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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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Opportunity to earn Volunteer Hours toward a Bursary


Any Midget aged players are eligible

For those students looking to earn volunteer hours towards their community Bursary for UPEI and Holland college
Please contact Tammie Smyth  or joe Doran at
It is an excellent opportunity to help out your association while working towards the hours you require to receive $500 towards your UPEI or Holland College tuition.
Some of the things that the students can do include: working the tables selling admission bracelets and programs,helping out in and around the rinks..etc.
Community Service Bursary Program opportunity for students to earn a bursary for volunteering 

The program is designed to:
  • offer Island students in Grades 11 and 12, who plan to attend any post-secondary institution, a bursary in recognition of volunteer work performed in their communities;
  • encourage volunteerism, support volunteer organizations and assist young people in achieving their educational goals;
  • improve access for youth to attend post-secondary education by offering financial assistance;
  • increase and encourage attendance at post-secondary institutions;
  • provide youth with new experiences in their communities;
  • develop a sense of community responsibility in youth;
  • develop career and leadership skills; and
  • provide meaningful services in Island communities.


Prince Edward Island students in grades 11 and 12, who plan to attend a post-secondary institution, are eligible for a Community Service Bursary. Students may register to volunteer as soon as they are promoted to grade 11. The bursary is calculated at a rate of $5 per hour. Students are required to volunteer a minimum of 30 hours or up to a maximum of 100 hours. (30 hrs = $150 and 100 hrs = $500).
A community service bursary is valid for up to one year following graduation from high school. Bursaries will be issued to the post-secondary institution in late November and will be applied to the student’s account.
Participating organizations must be non-profit and non-political. Fund-raising activities do not qualify as volunteer work and the students must not displace paid employees. Volunteer work cannot form part of students' academic studies, be related to extra-curricular school activities, school sporting events, and no volunteer hours can be accumulated during school hours.
I added the link below for more information

HPEI: Advisory on Smelling Salts & Health Risks


SPRMHA Teams of the Week - U13 A Team 3 Falcons & U11 B Team 2 Falcons


SPRMHA Student Bursary – Deadline March 8


SPRMHA Team of the Week - U11 A Team 2 Cyclones
