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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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MacLauchlan Arenas (Cari) - Spectator Zone Approval


Cari Arena A has been approved for a Spectator Cohort of 50. This means SPRMHA will allow one (1) parent/guardian per player for all games in Arena A. This includes the visiting team. (Example: Pownal 18 Players, Sherwood 18 players, therefore a total of 36 parents/guardians permitted in Zone 3)

Note: Single-family parent/guardian can request special access for siblings through your team COVID Liaison. (there will be limited access)

A second Spectator Group of 50 on Arena A is only for user groups using ice times greater than 2 hours. SPRMHA only has one hour of ice time.

Cari B is not offering a spectator cohort for 1 hour ice times. Therefore, no parents are permitted to enter the facility if games are scheduled in Cari B.

Please ensure you are fully aware of the spectator guidelines. If you have questions, please contact your team COVID Liaison for further clarification on the spectator rules.

Spectator Guidelines

MacLauchlan Arenas have been approved for spectator groups under the following conditions.

Arena A

1 Spectator Group of 50 will be permitted for all ice times but must enter and exit the facility through the Arena A Emergency Exit – located next to the main arena entrance. The booking group will be responsible for this spectator group, see details below.

A second Spectator Group of 50 on A has been approved ONLY where the schedule allows. Groups looking for a 2nd Spectator 50 must apply (application attached) at least 5 days before the event and receive approval from the facility.  The booking group will be responsible for this spectator group, see details below.

Arena B

A Spectator Group of 50 on B has been approved ONLY where the schedule allows. Until CARI can find a safe way to get spectators in/out of B there will not be spectators for 1-hour bookings. Groups with 2+ hour bookings looking for a Spectator Group on B must apply (application attached) at least 5 days before the event and receive approval from the facility. The booking group will be responsible for this spectator group, see details below.

User Group’s Responsibilities When Hosting Spectators

The Booking Group will be responsible for all spectators and must ensure the following rules are followed.
  • Provide a Spectator Liaison for each group of 50
  • Contact Trace all Spectators at designated Spectator Entrance
  • Only allow Spectator Groups to enter the facility at specified times as per application approval or for 1 hour bookings on A, when that ice time starts (not 15 minutes prior)
  • Ensure the Spectator Group stays seated in the correct sections
  • Ensure the Spectator Group uses the correct bathroom as marked
  • Ensure the Spectator Group leaves the facility at the time specified as per application approval or for 1 hour bookings on A, when that ice time ends (not 15 minutes after)

Covid Commissionaires will be on-site to help answer any questions and direct your Liaison to ensure the rules are being followed, however, the Commissionaires will not assume any of the user groups responsibilities outlined above.  The ability for groups to continue to host spectators at MacLauchlan Arenas will depend on how well these rules are followed. Everyone here at CARI is very excited to get people back in the stands safely while following the plan approved by CPHO.  

​U15A Team 2 Win!


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SPRMHA Student Bursary – Applications Now Open


SPRMHA Team of the Week - U15 A Team 1 Falcons
