SPRMHA – Checking Clinics
All players are required to attend a checking clinic in both years of U13 and their first year of U15. This includes male and female players playing in non-checking leagues. Goalies are not required to take the checking clinic.
SPRMHA is offering checking clinics for players registered with SPRMHA, consisting of an off ice session and an on-ice session, at the following times:
Tuesday, Nov 3
Off Ice Session – 4:55 – 5:25pm (Maplewood Room @ Cody Banks)
On Ice Session – 5:40 – 6:30pm (Cody Banks)
Tuesday, Nov 10
Off-Ice Session – 4:55 – 5:25pm (Maplewood Room @ Cody Banks)
On Ice Session – 5:40 – 6:30pm (Cody Banks)
Please register for your preferred session by emailing adamlowclark@gmail.com. The cost of the clinic is $20 which is to be paid in advance by e-transfer to the same address to confirm your registration. Registration will be capped at 25 players per session.