Team COVID Liaison
Good evening,
Each team within our association has been assigned a COVID Liaison. The Team COVID Liaison will play a very important role in the success of hockey during these unprecedented times. Now that we are entering into the hockey season, we want the coaches to focus on the on-ice activities, the managers focusing on the team operations and the Team COVID Liaison focusing on “all” things COVID.
The COVID Liaison will work with the team to ensure the Association, Hockey PEI and Facility guidelines and protocols are being followed. This will include, but not limited to, working with the team to ensure participant tracking is "always" completed, ensure participants are "always" wearing masks, ensure participants are "always" cleaning their hands and managing the various on-ice and spectator cohorts.
Since we are using different facilities, there are different guidelines and approved spectator cohorts. Therefore, the Team COVID Liaison will work with the team and parents to manage and set expectations for the spectator zones and on-ice zones. We encourage you to speak with your Team COVID Liaison about the spectator guidelines for the facilities used by your team and how spectators numbers will be allocated to the home and visiting teams. If you are unsure who your Team COVID Liaison is, reach out to your team coach or manager.
The Association would like to thank you for your patience and understanding, as we continue to navigate through the various guidelines and protocols.
SPRMHA Executive Committee.
Each team within our association has been assigned a COVID Liaison. The Team COVID Liaison will play a very important role in the success of hockey during these unprecedented times. Now that we are entering into the hockey season, we want the coaches to focus on the on-ice activities, the managers focusing on the team operations and the Team COVID Liaison focusing on “all” things COVID.
The COVID Liaison will work with the team to ensure the Association, Hockey PEI and Facility guidelines and protocols are being followed. This will include, but not limited to, working with the team to ensure participant tracking is "always" completed, ensure participants are "always" wearing masks, ensure participants are "always" cleaning their hands and managing the various on-ice and spectator cohorts.
Since we are using different facilities, there are different guidelines and approved spectator cohorts. Therefore, the Team COVID Liaison will work with the team and parents to manage and set expectations for the spectator zones and on-ice zones. We encourage you to speak with your Team COVID Liaison about the spectator guidelines for the facilities used by your team and how spectators numbers will be allocated to the home and visiting teams. If you are unsure who your Team COVID Liaison is, reach out to your team coach or manager.
The Association would like to thank you for your patience and understanding, as we continue to navigate through the various guidelines and protocols.
SPRMHA Executive Committee.