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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
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***REMINDER*** SPRMHA 2021 Annual General Meeting


The Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association 2021 Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday, May 19, 2021, at 6:30 pm in the Maplewood Room.

To ensure the safety of our attendees, we will have a limited number of seats available. This will be done to ensure we adhere to the Chief Public Health Office guidelines of no more than 50 people indoor while maintaining physical distancing of 6 feet (2 meters). Given the small nature of the Maple Room, we cannot have 50 attendees safely in the building at one time. Therefore, attendees will have to pre-register to attend. The deadline for registration is May 18th. A maximum of 35 individuals may attend.

Click here to pre-register

The meeting agenda will consist of the following:

Approval of Minutes from previous AGM
President's Report
Director Reports
Treasure Report
Ice Coordinator Report
Other Reports
Members Question Period
Nominations/Election of New Board Members

A call for nominations for Executive Board Positions was done on April 27, 2021, and closed on May 5, 2021. Names submitted for nominations are:

President (Justin Muttart)
Secretary (vacant)
Under 9 Director (Dave Green)
Under 11 Director (Craig Jones)
Under 13 Director (Shawn Rodgerson)
Under 18 Director (vacant)
Female Director #1 (Aaron Lawlor)

Individuals interested in submitting their name for one of the positions listed below should email their contact information, a brief introduction of yourself, and your intentions to join the SPRMHA Executive Board to before May 12.

Thank you,
SPRMHA Executive

​U15A Team 2 Win!


Teams of the Week - U15 AA Central Attack and the U11 A Falcons


SPRMHA Student Bursary – Applications Now Open


SPRMHA Team of the Week - U15 A Team 1 Falcons
