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Sherwood Parkdale Rural Minor Hockey Association
U18 A Falcons Team 1 - Team ID 1143938
Team Roster

Last Name First Name
Adams Chase
Baglole Johnny
Baglole Cal
Bernard Austin
Campbell Carter
Chessman Nolan
Drake John
Habbi Tanner
Harvey Cooper
Lewis Brandon
MacDonald Jack
MacFarlane Max
McTague Sean
Melnick Spencer
Roach Matthew
Roach Nickolas
Schellen Kase
Schofield Tyler

HPEI: Advisory on Smelling Salts & Health Risks


SPRMHA Teams of the Week - U13 A Team 3 Falcons & U11 B Team 2 Falcons


SPRMHA Student Bursary – Deadline March 8


SPRMHA Team of the Week - U11 A Team 2 Cyclones
